Freshwater Ecology
Freshwater Ecology is a two quarter sequence for upper division majors in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and related disciplines. In the lecture course (BIOE 155; typically offered during the Fall), students learn the theoretical foundations and core concepts in freshwater ecology. Lectures cover the ecology of lakes and streams, and students gain experience applying basic concepts to ongoing challenges in conservation and freshwater sustainability. In the laboratory course (BIOE 155L; typically offered during the Spring), students further examine the ideas covered during the lecture quarter through hands-on studies conducted in the field and lab. Students get practical experience measuring the basic abiotic and biotic properties of lakes and streams. Students also learn to sample and identify aquatic organisms. As a class, students design and execute a manipulative field experiment, including collecting and analyzing experimental data and writing a scientific paper.
Learning by Doing
We offer diverse opportunities for hands-on learning through engagement in aquatic ecology and evolution research. We involve undergraduate students, high school students, and high school teachers in field and laboratory studies. Undergraduate students can get involved year-round through guided and independent research projects. Email me to find out more about current opportunities.